A wise person once said “Don’t take life too seriously, you’ll never get out alive”. Well, we believe that to our core. From time to time we plan out some epic trips that bring a bunch of wildings together for some good old fashioned fun – it’s what we like to call recess. You should come.
what is recess?
Recess, simply put is just that. We offer a collection of outdoor trips that inspire people to get moving and make a positive impact on the world. Our mission is to help you be an active participant in life, while also being a multiplier of good. The goal of Recess is to recapture the sense of innocence and joy that often characterizes childhood, and to relive those moments of carefree happiness that can be so hard to find in adulthood. We all have a BeAlive moment, join us to find yours!

Recess 01
Salmon & Smiles
You may not chase salmon, but don't let that stop you from chasing smiles! The inaugural recess was a blast. Salmon were caught and smiles were had. It's Alaska...need we say more? Take a look!